
A javascript / typescript MongoDB modelling library which enables joins in collections, simplifies CRUD operations for sub / nested documents and implements schema based data validation

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Build Status Coverage Status dependencies Status Known Vulnerabilities A javascript / typescript MongoDB modelling library which enables joins in collections, simplifies CRUD operations for sub / nested documents and implements schema based data validation. npm install @coolgk/mongo - Basics - Schema - Find & Join - Insert - Update
- [Sub Document CRUD](#sub-document-crud)
- Validation - Native Mongo Functions - Utility Method - Error Types - Constants

Feature Hightlights


SQL to @coolgk/mongo

Left Join

```sql SELECT FROM a LEFT JOIN b ON a.bid = b.id ``` becomes ```javascript model.find({}, {
join: [ { on: 'b_id' } ]
}) ``` Result: ```javascript {
_id: '5a8bde4ae2ead929f89f3c42',
a_name: 'aname1',
b_id: {
_id: '5a8bde4ae2ead929f89f3c41',
b_name: 'bname1'
}, { ... }, ...

Inner Join with Constraints

```sql SELECT FROM a, b WHERE a.bid = b.id AND b.bname = 'bname1' ``` becomes ```javascript model.find({}, {
join: [ { on: 'b_id', filters: { b_name: 'bname1' } } ]
}) ``` Result: ```javascript {
_id: '5a8bdfb05d44ea2a08fa8a4c',
a_name: 'aname2',
b_id: {
_id: '5a8bdfb05d44ea2a08fa8a4b',
b_name: 'bname2'

Inner Join on Mulitple Collections

```sql SELECT FROM a, b, c WHERE a.bid = b.id AND b.cid = c.id AND c.cname = 'cname3' ``` ```javascript modela.find({}, {
join: [{
on: 'b_id',
join: [{
on: 'c_id',
filters: { c_name: 'cname3' }
}) ``` Result: ```javascript {
_id: '5a8bdfc1b07af22a12cb1f0b',
a_name: 'aname3',
b_id: {
_id: '5a8bdfc1b07af22a12cb1f0a',
b_name: 'bname3',
c_id: {
_id: '5a8bdfc1b07af22a12cb1f09',
c_name: 'cname3'

Data Validation

  • Data Type Check
  • Required Field
  • Enum Values
  • String Regex Pattern
  • String Minimum and Maximum Length
  • Minimum and Maximum Values For Numbers
  • Minimum and Maximum Number of Array Items
  • Unique Array Values

Default Value, Setter Function, Last Modified Date

Schema: ```javascript {
name: {
type: DataType.STRING,
default: 'abc' // default value
category: {
type: DataType.STRING,
setter: (value, document) => { // setter callback
document.tags = [value];
return `cat: ${value}`;
tags: {
type: DataType.STRING,
array: true
} ``` ```javascript model.insertOne({ category: 'game' }); ``` Result ```javascript {
_id: '5a8c097fb14dc72b8401c773',
category: 'cat: game', // setter applied
name: 'abc', // default value
tags: ['game'], // added by cateegory's setter
_dateModified: '2018-02-20T11:43:45.612Z' // automatically added by insertOne
} ```

Sub Document CRUD

Updating documents in arrays could be annoying especially when there are 100+ or even 50+ of them in an array. This library makes it very easy to update documents in arrays. Example Data ```javascript const data = {
title: 'Support Ticket 1',
messages: [
user: 'customer',
message: 'I found a bug'
user: 'support',
message: `Restart your computer`
user: 'developer',
message: `That's not a bug, it's a feature`
} ```

Data Preparation: _id and _dateModified

This library automatically adds _id and _dateMofidifed values to each document in the array, and uses the generated _id values for CRUD operations. ```javascript model.insertOne(data); ``` data becomes ```javascript {
_id: '5a8c16f3c452fd2c0d3687c6',
_dateModified: '2018-02-20T12:39:15.258Z', // auto generated
title: 'Support Ticket 1',
messages: [{
_id: '5a8c16f3c452fd2c0d3687c9', // auto generated
user: 'customer',
message: 'I found a bug',
_dateModified: '2018-02-20T12:39:15.259Z' // auto generated
_id: '5a8c16f3c452fd2c0d3687c8', // auto generated
user: 'support',
message: 'Restart your computer',
_dateModified: '2018-02-20T12:39:15.259Z' // auto generated
_id: '5a8c16f3c452fd2c0d3687c7', // auto generated
user: 'developer',
message: 'That\'s not a bug, it\'s a feature',
_dateModified: '2018-02-20T12:39:15.259Z' // auto generated
} ```

Update A Sub Document

Similar to InsertOne() but with _id values in data. The script below will update the value of the "message" field of the seconnd document in the "messages" array. ```javascript model.updateOne({
_id: '5a8c16f3c452fd2c0d3687c6', // find the document by _id in the collection
messages: [
_id: '5a8c16f3c452fd2c0d3687c8', // find the document by _id in the array
message: 'Turn on your computer' // update only the message field, other fields will not change
}); ``` data in the collection becomes ```javascript {
_id: '5a8c16f3c452fd2c0d3687c6',
title: 'Support Ticket 1',
messages: [{
_id: '5a8c16f3c452fd2c0d3687c9',
user: 'customer',
message: 'I found a bug',
_dateModified: '2018-02-20T12:39:15.259Z',
_id: '5a8c16f3c452fd2c0d3687c8',
user: 'support',
message: 'Turn on your computer', // new value
_dateModified: '2018-02-20T12:53:55.890Z' // new modified date
_id: '5a8c16f3c452fd2c0d3687c7',
user: 'developer',
message: 'That\'s not a bug, it\'s a feature',
_dateModified: '2018-02-20T12:39:15.259Z'
_dateModified: '2018-02-20T12:53:55.889Z' // new modified date
} ```

Delete A Document

The script below will delete the seconnd document in the "messages" array. ```javascript model.updateOne({
_id: '5a8c16f3c452fd2c0d3687c6', // find the document by _id in the collection
messages: {
$delete: [ '5a8c16f3c452fd2c0d3687c8' ] // $delete operator: delete by _id
}); ``` data in the collection becomes ```javascript {
_id: '5a8c16f3c452fd2c0d3687c6',
title: 'Support Ticket 1',
messages: [{
_id: '5a8c16f3c452fd2c0d3687c9',
user: 'customer',
message: 'I found a bug',
_dateModified: '2018-02-20T12:39:15.259Z'
_id: '5a8c16f3c452fd2c0d3687c7',
user: 'developer',
message: 'That\'s not a bug, it\'s a feature',
_dateModified: '2018-02-20T12:39:15.259Z'
_dateModified: '2018-02-20T12:59:05.602Z' // new modified date
} ```

Replace or Delete All

```javascript model.updateOne({
_id: '5a8c16f3c452fd2c0d3687c6', // find the document by _id in the collection
messages: {
$replace: [] // replace the entire array with a new value
}); ```

Add A Sub Document

Similar to Update, but without _id in sub documents. The script below will add a new document into the messages array. ```javascript model.updateOne({
_id: '5a8c16f3c452fd2c0d3687c6', // find the document by _id in the collection
messages: [
{ // documents without _id = insert new
user: 'Support',
message: 'Please Ctrl + F5'
}); ``` data in the collection becomes ```javascript {
_id: '5a8c16f3c452fd2c0d3687c6',
title: 'Support Ticket 1',
messages: [{
_id: '5a8c16f3c452fd2c0d3687c9',
user: 'customer',
message: 'I found a bug',
_dateModified: '2018-02-20T12:39:15.259Z'
_id: '5a8c16f3c452fd2c0d3687c7',
user: 'developer',
message: 'That\'s not a bug, it\'s a feature',
_dateModified: '2018-02-20T12:39:15.259Z'
{ // new document
_id: '5a8c1d6b082a652c35eb17d6', // auto generated
user: 'Support',
message: 'Please Ctrl + F5',
_dateModified: '2018-02-20T13:06:51.244Z' // auto generated
_dateModified: '2018-02-20T13:06:51.243Z' // new modified date
} ```

Multiple Operations

Add, Update and Delete can happen in one single query. ```javascript model.updateOne({
_id: '5a8c16f3c452fd2c0d3687c6', // find the document by _id in the collection
messages: {
$update: [
{ // doc contains _id value, this is an update
_id: '5a8c1d6b082a652c35eb17d6', // find the document by _id in the array
message: 'Clear Your Cache' // update only the message field, other fields will not change
{ // doc has no _id value, this is an insert
user: 'developer',
message: 'cannot replicate, not a bug!'
$delete: [ '5a8c16f3c452fd2c0d3687c9' ] // delete by _id (the first doc)
}); ``` Final Result ```javascript {
_id: '5a8c16f3c452fd2c0d3687c6',
title: 'Support Ticket 1',
messages: [{
_id: '5a8c16f3c452fd2c0d3687c7',
user: 'developer',
message: 'That\'s not a bug, it\'s a feature',
_dateModified: '2018-02-20T12:39:15.259Z'
_id: '5a8c1d6b082a652c35eb17d6',
user: 'Support',
message: 'Clear Your Cache', // new value
_dateModified: '2018-02-20T13:30:07.123Z' // new modified date
{ // new doc
_id: '5a8c22df4656722c3fd787fa',// auto generated
user: 'developer',
message: 'cannot replicate, not a bug!',
_dateModified: '2018-02-20T13:30:07.123Z' // auto generated
_dateModified: '2018-02-20T13:30:07.121Z' // new modified date
} ```



Model Class

The model class must extend the Mongo property of this library and implement the getCollectionName and getSchema static methods.
  • getCollectionName() - must return a collection name
  • getSchema() - must return the schema of the collection (see the Schema section below)
```javascript const { Mongo, DataType } = require('@coolgk/mongo'); // OR import { Mongo, DataType } from '@coolgk/mongo'; class ModelA extends Mongo {
static getCollectionName () {
return 'a';
static getSchema () {
return {
a_name: {
type: DataType.STRING
} ```

Class Instantiation

The model class must be initiated with a Db instance from mongo node client. e.g. the db variable in v3.x MongoClient.connect(url, (err, client) => { const db = client.db(dbName); ... }) or in v2.x MongoClient.connect(url, (err, db) => { ... }) ```javascript const { MongoClient } = require('mongodb'); MongoClient.connect('mongodb://localhost', (error, client) => {
const model = new ModelA({
db: client.db('test')
}); ``` OR ```javascript const { MongoClient } = require('mongodb'); (async () => {
const globalDb = await new Promise((resolve) => {
MongoClient.connect('mongodb://localhost', async (error, client) => {
const db = client.db('test');
// ...
// ...
// ...
const modela = new ModelA({ db: globalDb });
const modelb = new ModelB({ db: globalDb });
})() ```


Schema is defined in static getSchema() of the model class.

Schema Format

```javascript {
[fieldName]: {
type: '...',
... // other properties
} ```

Shared Schema Properties: type, array, default, setter, required

These properties are valid for all data types.
type - Data type of the field. Supported types are in the DataType property of the library
```javascript const { DataType } = require('@coolgk/mongo'); ```
  • DataType.BOOLEAN
  • DataType.DATE
array - a boolean value that defines if values are arrays
```javascript const document = {
tags: ['game', 'shooter', 'sale']; // array of strings
}; const schema = {
tags: {
type: DataType.STRING, // string type
array: true // array of string
} ```
default - defines the default value of a field
```javascript const schema = {
group: {
type: DataType.STRING, // string type
default: 'generic'
} ```
setter - a callback function that transforms the value before insert and update
(value, document) => { return newValue; }
  • value - original value
  • document - all new values (to be saved) in the same document
  • return - a new value
```javascript const schema = {
tags: {
type: DataType.STRING, // string type
setter: (value, document) => {
return value + '-tag'
} ```
required - a boolean value to define if this field is a manditory field
```javascript const schema = {
email: {
type: DataType.STRING, // string type
required: true
} ```
default, setter, array, required Example
```javascript const schema = {
name: {
type: DataType.STRING,
default: 'abc' // default value
category: {
type: DataType.STRING,
required: true, // manditory field
setter: (value, document) => { // setter callback
document.tags = [value];
return `cat: ${value}`;
tags: {
type: DataType.STRING,
array: true
} ``` ```javascript model.insertOne({ category: 'game' }); ``` Result ```javascript {
_id: '5a8c097fb14dc72b8401c773',
category: 'cat: game', // setter applied
name: 'abc', // default value
tags: ['game'], // added by cateegory's setter
_dateModified: '2018-02-20T11:43:45.612Z' // automatically added by insertOne
} ```

Shared Array Validation Properties: maxItems, minItems, uniqueItems

for fields that have array: true
  • maxItems - the maximum number of items in array
  • minItems - the minimum number of items in array
  • uniqueItems - a boolean value to define if each item in the array must be unique
```javascript {
secureQuestionAnswers: {
type: DataType.STRING,
array: true,
minItems: 1,
maxItems: 3,
uniqueItems: true
} ```

Type Specific Properties

  • enum - array of enum values
```javascript {
logLevel: {
type: DataType.ENUM,
enum: [ 'notice', 'warn', 'error' ]
} ```
  • minLength - minimum length of the string value
  • maxLength - maximum length of the string value
  • pattern - string containing a regex, the string value must match the regular expression
```javascript {
email: {
type: DataType.STRING,
minLength: 10,
maxLength: 200,
pattern: '@\w+\.com$'
} ```
  • minimum - minimum value of a number
  • maximum - minimum value of a number
```javascript {
rating: {
type: DataType.NUMBER,
minimum: 0,
maximum: 10
} ```
  • model - the model class that the object id references to. This is a required property for DataType.OBJECTID type and is required by the join option in find()
```javascript const { Mongo, DataType } = require('@coolgk/mongo'); class Category extends Mongo {
static getCollectionName () {
return 'Category';
static getSchema () {
return {
name: {
type: DataType.STRING
} class Product extends Mongo {
static getCollectionName () {
return 'Product';
static getSchema () {
return {
name: {
type: DataType.STRING
category: {
type: DataType.OBJECTID,
model: Category // category class, in real code, this could be require(../models/category.js)
} ```
  • schema - the schema of the sub document which uses the same format as the main schema. This is a required property for DataType.DOCUMENT type
```javascript {
address: {
type: DataType.DOCUMENT,
schema: { // schema of the address sub document
street: {
type: DataType.STRING
postcode: {
type: DataType.STRING
country: {
type: DataType.OBJECTID,
model: Country
} ```

Find & Join

Tested in MongoDB >= 3.x An augmented version of mongo's find() method

find(query, options)

  • query - same as the query parameter in mongo's find()
  • options - all options from mongo's find() plus two extra properties join and cursor
options.join array of join definitions ```javascript {
join: [ // array of joins
on: ['name_of_an_object_id_field'],
projection: { // optional
[field_in_the_referenced_collection]: 1 or 0,
filters: { // optional
// normal mongo query
join: { // optional
on: ['name_of_an_object_id_field_from_the_referenced_collection'],
... // same format as the main join
} ```
  • join.on - array of object id fields that reference to a same collection. There can be multiple joins in one join array but when there are multiple fields reference to a same collection, these fields could be defined in the same block. For example, createdBy and modifiedBy fields both reference to the user collection, the on value would be ['createdBy', 'modifiedBy']. You can still put them in separate blocks if you need to filter them differently.
  • join.projection - same as the projection option in find(). Fields to select from the referenced collection, 1 = select, 0 = deselect.
  • join.filters - same as the query parameter in find() for filtering docs in the referenced collection
  • join.join - recursively join other collections
Example ```javascript // model a schema {
a_name: {
type: DataType.STRING
b_id: {
type: DataType.OBJECTID,
model: B
c_id: {
type: DataType.OBJECTID,
model: C
} // model b schema {
b_name: {
type: DataType.STRING
c_id: {
type: DataType.OBJECTID,
model: C
} // model c schema {
c_name: {
type: DataType.STRING
c_group: {
type: DataType.STRING
} modelA.find({}, {
join: [
on: ['b_id'], // join a.b_id to b._id
join: [{
on: 'c_id', // join b.c_id to c._id
filters: {
c_name: 'cname3'
on: 'c_id', // join a.c_id with c._id
projection: {
c_group: 1
}); ``` Result: ```javascript {
_id: '5a8bdfc1b07af22a12cb1f0b',
a_name: 'aname3',
b_id: {
_id: '5a8bdfc1b07af22a12cb1f0a',
b_name: 'bname3',
c_id: {
_id: '5a8bdfc1b07af22a12cb1f09',
c_name: 'cname3',
c_group: 'group3'
c_id: {
_id: '5a8bdfc1b07af22a12cb1f09',
c_group: 'group2'
``` The query above is similar to SQL: ```sql SELECT
A.*, B.*, CB.*, CA.c_group
B ON A.b_id = B._id
C as CB ON B.c_id = CB._id
C as CA ON A.c_id = CA._id
CB.c_name = 'cname3'
``` options.cursor Boolean. The default value is false. By default, the results are returned as an array. If cursor is true, the items in the cursor are promises instead documents. ```javascript const cursor = modelA.find({}, {
join: {
on: 'b_id'
cursor: true
}); cursor.forEach((documentPromise) => {
documentPromise.then((document) => {
}); // OR cursor.forEach(async (documentPromise) => {
const document = await documentPromise;
}); ```


insertOne(document, options)

  • document - same as the doc param in mongo's insertOne()
  • options - same as the options param in mongo's insertOne()
  • return - a promise, same as the return value of mongo's insertOne()

insertMany(document, options)

  • return - a promise, same as the return value of mongo's insertMany()

insertOne() and insertMany() behaviours

  • add _dateModified (Constant: GeneratedField.DATE_MODIFIED) in the main doc and docs in arrays
  • add _id in docs in arrays
  • set default values defined in schema
  • apply setter functions defined in schema
  • convert valid numbers (!isNaN()) to numbers '123' => 123
  • convert string 'false' or '0' to boolean false and cast other values to boolean (!!value) for DataType.BOOLEAN
  • convert DataType.OBJECTID strings and _id strings to ObjectID object if they are valid ObjectID
  • convert valid date string to Date object for DataType.DATE


updateOne(data, options)

require MongoDB >= 3.6
  • data - document data with or without _id values in sub documents
- options.revertOnError - see below
  • return - { value: ..., raw: ... }
- value - the updated document rather than the original if options.returnOriginal is false, otherwise the original document - raw - raw outputs from mongo


  • Update a single document.
  • updateOne() updates data in three steps: set, add, delete.
  • This method is not atomic if more than one type of actions are executed e.g. set+add set+delete or set+add+delete etc.
  • updateOne() is atomic if only one type of actions is executed e.g. only adding new values
Boolean. default = false Restore the document back to the original value before the update. If an error happens in one of the set, add, delete steps, the data is stored as at where the action stopped. e.g. if an error happens in the delete step, data set and added in the previous steps are stored in db. To stop this from happening, the "revertOnerror" option reverts the document back to the status before the updateOne() is executed. This action is NOT atomic. If a document is updated by a different source while updateOne() is still running, the "revertOnError" action will overwrite the changes made by the other source.

Manipulating Sub Documents With UpdateOne()

see Sub Document CRUD


require MongoDB >= 3.6


Validations are done at database level. setDbValidationSchema() sets validation rules in db and only need to be called once per schema change. insertOne(), insertMany() and updateOne() will return a rejected promise if validation fails at db level. Validation errors are return from Mongo's node client. This library does not control the contents of the validation error object.
Add a "set validation" script to your deployment process. e.g. ```javascript const db = mongoClientDB; const modelFiles = findAllModelFiles(); (async () => {
for (file of modelFiles) {
const model = new (require(file))({ db });
await model.setDbValidationSchema();
})(); db.close(); ```

Native Mongo Functions


returns the Db object of the mongo client ```javascript // use native db methods model.getDb().dropDatabase(); ```


returns the Collection object of the mongo client ```javascript // use native mongo collection methods model.getCollection().aggregate( ... ) ```

Utility Method

  • id - a string or an ObjectID object
  • return - an ObjectID or undefined if id is not a valid ObjectID string

Error Types

MongoError and SchemaError ```javascript const { MongoError, SchemaError } = require('@coolgk/mongo'); ```


Name of the auto-generated date modified field
  • GeneratedField.DATE_MODIFIED
Data Types:
  • DataType.STRING
  • DataType.NUMBER
  • DataType.ENUM
  • DataType.OBJECTID
  • DataType.DOCUMENT
  • DataType.BOOLEAN
  • DataType.DATE
```javascript const { GeneratedField, DataType } = require('@coolgk/mongo'); ```

Also see


A simple, lightweight javascript / typescript MxC framework that helps you to create object oriented, modular and testable code.


A javascript / typescript utility library. Modules: array, string, base64, ampq, bcrypt, cache, captcha, csv, email, jwt, number, pdf, tmp, token, unit conversion, url params, session, form data
Report bugs here: https://github.com/coolgk/node-mongo/issues