
digital editions gallery

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1.0.178 years ago8 years agoMinified + gzip package size for @cnbritain/wc-digitaleditions-bbcode-gallery in KB


digital editions gallery
Macro settings
| Key | Optional | Default | Description | |------------------|----------|---------|-------------------------------------| | Example arg | false | | |
JS Documentation


Digital Editions BBCode gallery
* _static_
    * [.mapImagesToPswp(imgTuple, i, arr)](#module_@cnbritain/wc-digitaleditions-bbcode-gallery.mapImagesToPswp) ⇒ <code>Object</code>
* _inner_
    * [~GalleryManager](#module_@cnbritain/wc-digitaleditions-bbcode-gallery..GalleryManager)
        * [new GalleryManager()](#new_module_@cnbritain/wc-digitaleditions-bbcode-gallery..GalleryManager_new)
    * [~init(selectorGalleryThumbs, options)](#module_@cnbritain/wc-digitaleditions-bbcode-gallery..init) ⇒ <code>void</code>
    * [~displayGallery(e)](#module_@cnbritain/wc-digitaleditions-bbcode-gallery..displayGallery) ⇒ <code>void</code>

@cnbritain/wc-digitaleditions-bbcode-gallery.mapImagesToPswp(imgTuple, i, arr) ⇒ Object

map function to transform Merlin list of image 2-tuples to Photoswipe array of images (only takes the 2nd value in the tuple)
Kind: static method of @cnbritain/wc-digitaleditions-bbcode-gallery
Returns: Object - item object (http://photoswipe.com/documentation/getting-started.html)
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | imgTuple | Array | 2-tuple containing images | | i | Number | array index | | arr | Array | array |


Kind: inner class of @cnbritain/wc-digitaleditions-bbcode-gallery

new GalleryManager()

Interface for Photoswipe gallery implementation

@cnbritain/wc-digitaleditions-bbcode-gallery~init(selectorGalleryThumbs, options) ⇒ void

Kind: inner method of @cnbritain/wc-digitaleditions-bbcode-gallery
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | selectorGalleryThumbs | String | selector | | options | Object | Photoswipe options (http://photoswipe.com/documentation/options.html) |

@cnbritain/wc-digitaleditions-bbcode-gallery~displayGallery(e) ⇒ void

display the PhotoSwipe gallery
Kind: inner method of @cnbritain/wc-digitaleditions-bbcode-gallery
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | e | Object | display event |
  • Node.jsbrew install node
  • Grunt - npm install -g grunt-cli
  • Other prereqs? Python? Virtualenv?
Install dependencies:
npm install

Build the things:
npm run sass
npm run js
npm run docs

Hint your JS
npm run jshint

Python the pythons:
npm run demo-install

Start the demo server:
python demo.py