
JavaScript library that provides a login component for Angular

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Login Form Component
Angular component providing login and password management using Angular Material library.

Table of contents

Inputs Outputs Functions In progress Planning Contributions


Check out the StackBlitz demo Screenshot


```sh git clone https://github.com/Caliatys/LoginComponent cd LoginComponent/ npm install ng build login-form --prod ng serve ```


Install @caliatys/login-form in your project : ```sh npm install @caliatys/login-form --save ``` Import the LoginFormModule inside a login.module.ts : ```typescript import { LoginFormModule } from '@caliatys/login-form'; @NgModule({ imports:
, }) export class LoginModule { } ```


Add the cal-login-form component inside a login.component.html : ```html ``` See the example in src/app/app.component.ts


```typescript // Wrap the component inside a container @Input() fixedWidth : boolean = false; // Display login form like Google & Microsoft (step by step) @Input() googleStyle : boolean = false; // Display Google button with the supplied theme : light (by default) / dark @Input() googleTheme : string = null; // Display forms inside a layout : tab (by default) / modal / inline // The inline layout is only available for the MFA form @Input() customLayouts : any = { pwd : 'modal', mfaSetup : 'tab', mfa : 'inline' }; // Optional policy applied on the username input : email / phone / regex // Be careful, you must double all the backslashes used in the supplied regex @Input() customUsrPolicy : string = null; // Policies applied on the password input @Input() customPwdPolicies : any = { range : {
min : 8,
max : 128,
}, char : true, number : true, lower : true, upper : true }; // Remove password field controls on the login form (except required) @Input() hidePwdPolicyOnLogin : boolean = false; // Dislay icon inside inputs on the login form @Input() customIcons : any = { iconUsr : 'person', iconPwd : 'lock', iconVerifCode : 'fingerprint' }; // Display buttons with events @Input() customButtons : any = { forgotPassword : true, signUp : true, google : true, facebook : true }; // Display clear & show/hide buttons inside inputs @Input() customActions : any = { clearUsr : true, clearCode : true, showPwd : true }; // Display error messages @Input() customErrors : any = { login : true, pwd : true, mfa : true }; // Labels @Input() customLabels : any = { header : {
titlePwd         : 'Lost password',
subtitlePwd      : 'Please enter the confirmation code',
titlePwdSetup    : 'Password setup',
subtitlePwdSetup : 'Please enter a new password',
titleMfa         : 'MFA',
subtitleMfa      : 'Please enter the confirmation code',
titleMfaSetup    : 'MFA setup',
subtitleMfaSetup : 'Save this secret key for future connection'
}, input : {
username         : 'Username',
password         : 'Password',
verificationCode : 'Verification code',
newPassword      : 'New password'
}, button : {
signIn         : 'Sign in',
signUp         : 'Sign up',
submit         : 'Submit',
next           : 'Next',
back           : 'Back',
send           : 'Send',
save           : 'Save',
forgotPassword : 'Forgot password',
googleSignIn   : 'Sign in with Google',
facebookSignIn : 'Sign in with Facebook'
}, policy : {
required      : 'This field is required',
nonWhitespace : 'This value must not contain any spaces',
email         : 'This value must be an email',
phone         : 'This value must be a phone number',
sixDigits     : 'This value must contains six digits',
customRegex   : 'This value must match the custom regex provided',
pwdLength     : 'Minimum password length ({{min}} to {{max}})',
pwdUppercase  : 'Require at least one uppercase letter (A to Z)',
pwdLowercase  : 'Require at least one lowercase letter (a to z)',
pwdNumber     : 'Require at least one number (0 to 9)',
pwdSpecial    : 'Require at least one nonalphanumeric character ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ + - = [ ] { } | \''
} }; // Classes @Input() customClasses : any = { // Input colors (primary / accent / warn) loginInputsColor : 'primary', pwdInputsColor : 'primary', mfaInputsColor : 'primary', // Button classes (Example : mat-raised-button mat-accent) signIn : null, signUp : null, forgotPassword : null, backStep : null, nextStep : null, google : null, facebook : null, closeTag : null, closeDialog : null }; ```


```typescript @Output() initialized : EventEmitter; @Output() signUp : EventEmitter; @Output() login : EventEmitter; / username : string
  • password : string /
@Output() loginSocial : EventEmitter; /
username : string
  • password : string
  • social : string /
@Output() forgotPwd : EventEmitter; / username : string / @Output() sendResetPwd : EventEmitter; / password : string
  • verificationCode : string /
@Output() sendFirstPwd : EventEmitter; /
username : string
  • password : string /
@Output() saveMfaKey : EventEmitter; / verificationCode : string / @Output() sendMfaCode : EventEmitter; / verificationCode : string / @Output() stepUsr : EventEmitter; / username : string / @Output() stepPwd : EventEmitter; / username : string
  • password : string /


```typescript // Show functions // Show MFA form to get verification code. LoginFormComponent.showMfaForm() : void // Show MFA setup form to initialize first TOTP (Time-based One-time Password). LoginFormComponent.showMfaSetupForm(code : string, qrCode : string) : void // Show password form either to initialize first password or to reset forgot password. LoginFormComponent.showPwdForm(isFirst : boolean) : void // Show password input (for google-style form) LoginFormComponent.showPwdStep(userInfo? : string, userImage? : string) : void // Hide functions LoginFormComponent.hideMfaForm() : void LoginFormComponent.hideMfaSetupForm() : void LoginFormComponent.hidePwdForm(updatePwdField ?: string) : void // Access functions LoginFormComponent.getForm() : any LoginFormComponent.setForm(obj : any) : void ```


Important Note : This project uses the following dependencies : ```json "peerDependencies" : { "@angular/common" : "^6.0.0-rc.0 || ^6.0.0", "@angular/core" : "^6.0.0-rc.0 || ^6.0.0", "@angular/material" : "^6.0.0-rc.0 || ^6.0.0", "rxjs" : "^6.0.0", "rxjs-compat" : "^6.0.0", "bootstrap" : "^4.0.0" }, "optionalDependencies" : { "angularx-qrcode" : "^1.1.7" } ```


In progress

  • Repeat password (optional)
  • Dynamic display password policies


  • Captcha
  • GoogleStyle : user informations (image)
  • Test GoogleStyle on mobile (1/3)
  • Remove Bootstrap 4 dependency
  • Dissociate forgot password from setup password
  • Forgot password : Try to get the username ? display it (optional) : ask for it inside pwd form
  • Fix Angular 6 Library assets


Contributions are welcome, please open an issue and preferably submit a pull request. For example, if we replace Bootstrap 4 classes by hand-made style we can reduce the amount of required dependencies.


This project was generated with Angular CLI
version 6.0.5.