
BemFile stringifier (aka @bem/fs-scheme/path)

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Stringifier for a BEM file.
!NPM Statusnpm-imgnpm


Stringify returns the file path for a specified BEM file object.
You can choose a preset with a naming convention for creating a stringify() function. See the full list of supported presets in the @bem/sdk.naming.presets package documentation.
All provided presets use the nested file structure. To use the flat structure that is better for small projects, see Using a custom naming convention.
Note. If you don't have any BEM projects available to try out the @bem/sdk.naming.file.stringify package, the quickest way to create one is to use bem-express.

Try stringify

An example is available in the RunKit editor.

Quick start

Attention. To use @bem/sdk.naming.file.stringify, you must install Node.js 8.0+.

To run the @bem/sdk.naming.file.stringify package:
  1. Install required packages.
  2. Create a stringify() function.
  3. Create a BEM file object.
  4. Getting a file path.

Installing required packages

Install the following packages:

To install these packages, run the following command:
$ npm install --save @bem/sdk.naming.file.stringify @bem/sdk.naming.presets @bem/sdk.file

Creating a stringify() function

Create a JavaScript file with any name (for example, app.js) and do the following:
  1. Choose the naming convention and import the preset with this convention (for example, origin naming convention).
See the full list of supported presets in the `@bem/sdk.naming.presets` package [documentation](https://github.com/bem/bem-sdk/tree/master/packages/naming.presets#naming-conventions).
  1. Import the @bem/sdk.naming.file.stringify package and create the stringify() function using the imported preset:

const originNaming = require('@bem/sdk.naming.presets/origin');
const stringify = require('@bem/sdk.naming.file.stringify')(originNaming);

Creating a BEM file object

Create a BEM file object to stringify. You can use the create() function from the @bem/sdk.file package.
const BemFile = require('@bem/sdk.file');

var myFile;
myFile = BemFile.create({block: 'my-block', tech: 'css' });

Getting a file path

Stringify the created BEM file object:

This function will return the string with the file path common.blocks/my-block/my-block.css.
const originNaming = require('@bem/sdk.naming.presets/origin');
const stringify = require('@bem/sdk.naming.file.stringify')(originNaming);

const BemFile = require('@bem/sdk.file');

var myFile;
myFile = BemFile.create({block: 'my-block', tech: 'css' });
// => common.blocks/my-block/my-block.css

myFile = BemFile.create({block: 'my-block',
                         tech: 'js',
                         level: 'bem-files'});
// => bem-files/common.blocks/my-block/my-block.js

myFile = BemFile.create({block: 'my-block',
                         tech: 'css',
                         layer: 'desktop',
                         level: 'bem-files'});
// => bem-files/desktop.blocks/my-block/my-block.css

myFile = BemFile.create({block: 'my-block',
                         tech: 'css',
                         level: 'my-project/bem-files'});
// => my-project/bem-files/common.blocks/my-block/my-block.css

myFile = BemFile.create({block: 'my-block',
                         mod: 'my-modifier',
                         val: 'some-value',
                         tech: 'css',
                         level: 'bem-files'});
// => bem-files/common.blocks/my-block/_my-modifier/my-block_my-modifier_some-value.css

myFile = BemFile.create({block: 'my-block',
                         elem: 'my-element',
                         mod: 'my-modifier',
                         tech: 'css',
                         level: 'bem-files' });
// => bem-files/common.blocks/my-block/__my-element/_my-modifier/my-block__my-element_my-modifier.css

RunKit live example.

API reference


Forms a file according to object representation of BEM file.
 * @typedef BemFile — Representation of file.
 * @property {BemCell} cell — Representation of a BEM cell.
 * @property {String} [level] — Base level path.
 * @property {String} [path] — Path to file.

 * @param {Object|BemFile} file — Object representation of BEM file.
 * @returns {string} — File path.

Parameter tuning

Using a custom naming convention

To create a preset with a custom naming convention, use the create() function from the @bem/sdk.naming.presets package.
For example, create a preset that uses the flat scheme to describe the file structure organization.
Use the created preset to make your stringify() function.
const options = {
        fs: { scheme: 'flat' }
const originFlatNaming = require('@bem/sdk.naming.presets/create')(options);
const stringify = require('@bem/sdk.naming.file.stringify')(originFlatNaming);

const BemFile = require('@bem/sdk.file');

var myFile;
myFile = BemFile.create({block: 'my-block', tech: 'css' });
// => common.blocks/my-block.css

myFile = BemFile.create({block: 'my-block',
                     tech: 'js',
                     level: 'bem-files'});
// => bem-files/common.blocks/my-block.js

myFile = BemFile.create({block: 'my-block',
                     tech: 'css',
                     layer: 'desktop',
                     level: 'bem-files'});
// => bem-files/desktop.blocks/my-block.css

myFile = BemFile.create({block: 'my-block',
                     tech: 'css',
                     level: 'my-project/bem-files'});
// => my-project/bem-files/common.blocks/my-block.css

myFile = BemFile.create({block: 'my-block',
                     mod: 'my-modifier',
                     val: 'some-value',
                     tech: 'css',
                     level: 'bem-files'});
// => bem-files/common.blocks/my-block_my-modifier_some-value.css

myFile = BemFile.create({block: 'my-block',
                     elem: 'my-element',
                     mod: 'my-modifier',
                     tech: 'css',
                     level: 'bem-files' });
// => bem-files/common.blocks/my-block__my-element_my-modifier.css

RunKit live example.
See more examples of creating presets in the @bem/sdk.naming.presets package documentation.