
The world-famous HTTP client Request now RxJS compliant, wrote in Typescript | ES6 for client and server side.

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The world-famous HTTP client Request now RxJS compliant, wrote in full Typescript | ES6 for client and server side.

Table of contents

- Table of contents - Installation - Super simple to use - Browser compatibility - Build your project with Webpack - API in Detail
- [`.request`](#request)
- [`.defaults(options)`](#defaultsoptions)
- [`.get(uri[, options])`](#geturi-options)
  - [Crawl a webpage](#Crawl-a-webpage)
  - [GET something from a JSON REST API](#GET-something-from-a-JSON-REST-API)
- [`.getBuffer(uri[, options])`](#getBufferuri-options)
  - [GET a buffer image](#GET-a-buffer-image)
- [`.post(uri[, options])`](#posturi-options)
  - [POST data to a JSON REST API](#POST-data-to-a-JSON-REST-API)
  - [POST like HTML forms do](#POST-like-HTML-forms-do)
- [`.put(uri[, options])`](#puturi-options)
- [`.patch(uri[, options])`](#patchuri-options)
- [`.delete(uri[, options])`](#deleteuri-options)
- [`.head(uri[, options])`](#headuri-options)
- [`.options(uri[, options])`](#optionsuri-options)
- [`.jar()`](#jar)
- [`.cookie(str)`](#cookiestr)
- Contributing - Change History - License


$ npm install --save @akanass/rx-http-request rxjs


$ yarn add @akanass/rx-http-request rxjs

Super simple to use

Rx-Http-Request is designed to be the simplest way possible to make http calls.
It's fully Typescript | ES6 wrotten so you can import it :
import {RxHR} from "@akanass/rx-http-request";

or use CommonJS:
const RxHR = require('@akanass/rx-http-request').RxHR;

Now, it's easy to perform a HTTP request:
    (data) => {

        if (data.response.statusCode === 200) {
            console.log(data.body); // Show the HTML for the Google homepage.
    (err) => console.error(err) // Show error in console

Browser compatibility

Rx-Http-Request can be used in your favorite browser to have all features in your own front application.
Just import browser/index.js script and enjoy:
<script src="node_modules/@akanass/rx-http-request/browser/index.js" type="application/javascript"></script>
<script type="application/javascript">
    const RxHR = rhr.RxHR;
            if (data.response.statusCode === 200) {
                console.log(data.body); // Show the HTML for the Google homepage.
            console.error(err) // Show error in console

Browser version is a standalone version so you just need to copy/paste file from node_modules/@akanass/rx-http-request/browser/index.js when you want to create your bundle and change path to it.

Build your project with Webpack

If you want to include this library inside a project builds with webpack for a client application, you must add this configuration inside your webpack configuration:
    target: "web",
    node: {
        fs: "empty",
        net: "empty",
        tls: "empty"

For a `server` application, `target` will be `node`, `node` block in configuration **doesn't exist** and `uglify` plugin must be `disabled`. 

## API in Detail

**Rx-Http-Request** uses [Request](https://github.com/request/request) **API** to perform calls and returns [RxJS.Observable](http://reactivex.io/rxjs/class/es6/Observable.js~Observable.html).

All **options** to pass to **API** **methods** can be found [here](https://github.com/request/request#requestoptions-callback).

All **methods** to execute on **response object** can be found [here](https://github.com/Reactive-Extensions/RxJS/blob/master/doc/api/core/observable.md#observable-instance-methods).


### `.request`

Returns the original [Request](https://github.com/request/request#requestoptions-callback) **API** to perform calls without `RxJS.Observable` response but with a **callback method**.

import {RxHR} from '@akanass/rx-http-request';

RxHR.request({uri: 'http://www.google.fr'}, (error, response, body) => {

    if (!error && response.statusCode == 200) {
        console.log(body); // Show the HTML for the Google homepage.

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This method returns a wrapper around the normal Rx-Http-Request API that defaults to whatever options you pass to it.
options (required): Original Request options object with default values foreach next requests

new RxHttpRequest instance

Note: RxHR.defaults() does not modify the global API; instead, it returns a wrapper that has your default settings applied to it.
Note: You can call .defaults() on the wrapper that is returned from RxHR.defaults() to add/override defaults that were previously defaulted.
For example:
// requests using baseRequest will set the 'x-token' header
const baseRequest = RxHR.defaults({
    headers: {'x-token': 'my-token'}

// requests using specialRequest will include the 'x-token' header set in
// baseRequest and will also include the 'special' header
const specialRequest = baseRequest.defaults({
    headers: {special: 'special value'}

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.get(uri[, options])

Performs a request with get http method.
  • uri (required): The uri where request will be performed
  • options (optional): Original Request options object

RxJS.Observable instance

Crawl a webpage

import {RxHR} from '@akanass/rx-http-request';

    (data) => {

        if (data.response.statusCode === 200) {
            console.log(data.body); // Show the HTML for the Google homepage.
    (err) => console.error(err) // Show error in console

GET something from a JSON REST API

import {RxHR} from '@akanass/rx-http-request';

const options = {
    qs: {
        access_token: 'xxxxx xxxxx' // -> uri + '?access_token=xxxxx%20xxxxx'
    headers: {
        'User-Agent': 'Rx-Http-Request'
    json: true // Automatically parses the JSON string in the response

RxHR.get('https://api.github.com/user/repos', options).subscribe(
    (data) => {

        if (data.response.statusCode === 200) {
            console.log(data.body); // Show the JSON response object.
    (err) => console.error(err) // Show error in console

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.getBuffer(uri[, options])

Performs a request with get http method and returns a buffer in response body. Very useful to crawl data from a stream.
  • uri (required): The uri where request will be performed
  • options (optional): Original Request options object

RxJS.Observable instance

GET a buffer image

import {RxHR} from '@akanass/rx-http-request';

    (data) => {

        if (data.response.statusCode === 200) {
            console.log(data.response.headers['content-type']); // Show image content-type.
            console.log(data.body); // Show image buffer array.
    (err) => console.error(err) // Show error in console

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.post(uri[, options])

Performs a request with post http method.
  • uri (required): The uri where request will be performed
  • options (optional): Original Request options object

RxJS.Observable instance


import {RxHR} from '@akanass/rx-http-request';

const options = {
    body: {
        some: 'payload'
    json: true // Automatically stringifies the body to JSON

RxHR.post('http://posttestserver.com/posts', options).subscribe(
    (data) => {

        if (data.response.statusCode === 201) {
            console.log(data.body); // Show the JSON response object.
    (err) => console.error(err) // Show error in console

POST like HTML forms do

import {RxHR} from '@akanass/rx-http-request';

const options = {
    form: {
        some: 'payload' // Will be urlencoded
    headers: {
        /* 'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' */ // Set automatically

RxHR.post('http://posttestserver.com/posts', options).subscribe(
    (data) => {

        if (data.response.statusCode === 201) {
            console.log(data.body); // POST succeeded...
    (err) => console.error(err) // Show error in console

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.put(uri[, options])

Performs a request with put http method.
  • uri (required): The uri where request will be performed
  • options (optional): Original Request options object

RxJS.Observable instance

import {RxHR} from '@akanass/rx-http-request';


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.patch(uri[, options])

Performs a request with patch http method.
  • uri (required): The uri where request will be performed
  • options (optional): Original Request options object

RxJS.Observable instance

import {RxHR} from '@akanass/rx-http-request';


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.delete(uri[, options])

Performs a request with delete http method.
  • uri (required): The uri where request will be performed
  • options (optional): Original Request options object

RxJS.Observable instance

import {RxHR} from '@akanass/rx-http-request';


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.head(uri[, options])

  • uri (required): The uri where request will be performed
  • options (optional): Original Request options object

RxJS.Observable instance

Performs a request with head http method.
import {RxHR} from '@akanass/rx-http-request';


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.options(uri[, options])

  • uri (required): The uri where request will be performed
  • options (optional): Original Request options object

RxJS.Observable instance

Performs a request with options http method.
import {RxHR} from '@akanass/rx-http-request';


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Creates a new RxCookieJar instance
RxJS.Observable instance

import {RxHR} from '@akanass/rx-http-request';


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Creates a new cookie
  • str (required): The string representation of the cookie

RxJS.Observable instance

import {RxHR} from '@akanass/rx-http-request';


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To set up your development environment:
  1. clone the repo to your workspace,
  2. in the shell cd to the main folder,
  3. hit npm or yarn install,
  4. run npm or yarn run test.
* It will lint the code and execute all tests. 
* The test coverage report can be viewed from `./coverage/lcov-report/index.html`.
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Change History

  • v3.3.0 (2019-07-15)
* Merge [PR #30](https://github.com/akanass/rx-http-request/pull/30)
* Upgrade all packages' versions
* Documentation
  • v3.2.0 (2019-07-08)
* Upgrade all packages' versions
* Fix tests
* Documentation
  • v3.1.0 (2018-10-16)
* Upgrade all packages' versions
* Migrate tests to [jest](https://jestjs.io/en/) and [ts-jest](https://kulshekhar.github.io/ts-jest/)
* Refactor files' names
* Documentation
  • v3.0.0 (2018-05-28)
* Upgrade to `rxjs` v6+ ([#29](https://github.com/akanass/rx-http-request/pull/29))
* Add `generics` in response ([#28](https://github.com/akanass/rx-http-request/issues/28))
* Upgrade all packages' versions
* Documentation
  • v2.7.1 (2018-01-24)
* Upgrade all packages' versions
* Fix problem with response object with retry process
* Documentation
  • v2.7.0 (2017-11-20)
* Upgrade all packages' versions
* Fix [Issue 12](https://github.com/akanass/rx-http-request/issues/12)
* Fix [Issue 13](https://github.com/akanass/rx-http-request/issues/13)
* Fix [Issue 15](https://github.com/akanass/rx-http-request/issues/15)
* Lettable version of `rxjs` operators
* Update tests
* Documentation
  • v2.6.0 (2017-09-14)
* Upgrade all packages' versions
* Add config for `unused` packages error in compilation
* Update code to use `rxjs` operators instead of manual creation
* Update tests
  • v2.5.0 (2017-07-18)
* Upgrade all packages' versions
* Fix [Issue 11](https://github.com/akanass/rx-http-request/issues/11)
* `rxjs` in **peerDependencies** and need to be installed manually
  • v2.4.0 (2017-07-10)
* Upgrade all packages' versions
* Change `no-shadowed-variable` value in `tslint` config
  • v2.3.0 (2017-05-15)
* Upgrade all packages' versions
* Extended `tsconfig` files
* Check file exists in packaging process
  • v2.2.1 (2017-05-02)
* Upgrade all packages' versions
* Fix error handler in `getBuffer` method if no `uri` provided
  • v2.2.0 (2017-04-14)
* Upgrade all packages' versions
* Fix tests
* Add new method to get data with buffer response
* Export all initial elements from request to have them in library
  • v2.1.1 (2017-03-23)
* Upgrade all packages' versions
* [Fix `request typings` installation](https://github.com/akanass/rx-http-request/issues/8)
  • v2.1.0 (2017-03-09)
* Upgrade `Request` version to `v2.80.0`
  • v2.0.0 (2017-02-28)
* New package version for `RxJS` and `Request`
* Don't import all of `RxJS`, only `Observable`
* Rewritten all **library and test files in `Typescript`**
* Add `typings` support
* Add **scope** to library and move to **`@akanass/rx-http-request`**
  • v1.2.0 (2016-09-29)
* New package version for `RxJS` and `Request`
* New `ES6` features
* [Issue 1](https://github.com/akanass/rx-http-request/issues/1)
* [Issue 2](https://github.com/akanass/rx-http-request/issues/2)
  • v1.1.0 (2016-03-28)
* Browserify to have browser compatibility
  • v1.0.0 (2016-03-27)
* Carefully rewritten from scratch to make Rx-Http-Request a drop-in replacement for Request
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Copyright (c) 2019 Nicolas Jessel Licensed under the MIT license.
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