
The Create Apollo Client library contains factory to create original [ApolloClient](https://www.apollographql.com/docs/react/api/apollo-client.html) and several links to work with 8base services.

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8base Create Apollo Client
The Create Apollo Client library contains factory to create original ApolloClient and several links to work with 8base services.


Table of Contents

-   [Properties](#properties)
-   [Parameters](#parameters)


Interface of the createApolloClient config


  • links Array<ApolloLink>?
  • connectToDevTools boolean?
  • defaultOptions Object?
  • queryDeduplication any?
  • ssrForceFetchDelay any?
  • ssrMode any?


Hight Order Function create apollo-client by the options.


-   `config.uri`  Endpoint of the GraphQl server.
-   `config.links`  Array of the apollo links.
-   `config.connectToDevTools`  [Apolloclient option.](https://www.apollographql.com/docs/react/api/apollo-client.html#ApolloClientOptions)
-   `config.defaultOptions`  [Apolloclient option.](https://www.apollographql.com/docs/react/api/apollo-client.html#ApolloClientOptions)
-   `config.queryDeduplication`  [Apolloclient option.](https://www.apollographql.com/docs/react/api/apollo-client.html#ApolloClientOptions)
-   `config.ssrForceFetchDelay`  [Apolloclient option.](https://www.apollographql.com/docs/react/api/apollo-client.html#ApolloClientOptions)
-   `config.ssrMode`  [Apolloclient option.](https://www.apollographql.com/docs/react/api/apollo-client.html#ApolloClientOptions)

Returns any Function to create apollo client by jsonSchema


Table of Contents

-   [Properties](#properties)
-   [Parameters](#parameters)


Interface of the createApolloLinks options
Type: {uri: string, getAuthState: function (): AuthState?, links: {tokenRefresh: GetTokenRefreshLinkParams?, fileUpload: {enable: boolean?}?, error: any?, batchHttp: {enable: boolean?}?}?}


  • uri string
  • getAuthState function (): AuthState?
  • links {tokenRefresh: GetTokenRefreshLinkParams?, fileUpload: {enable: boolean?}?, error: any?, batchHttp: {enable: boolean?}?}?
  • links.tokenRefresh GetTokenRefreshLinkParams?
  • links.fileUpload {enable: boolean?}?
  • links.fileUpload.enable boolean?
  • links.error any?
  • links.batchHttp {enable: boolean?}?
  • links.batchHttp.enable boolean?


Creates apollo links for the 8base backend service.


-   `config.getAuthState`  Function to return the application auth state. Needs for the auth links.
-   `config.uri`  Endpoint of the 8base backend.
-   `config.link`  Links settings.
    -   `config.link.tokenRefresh`  Options to configure token refresh links which update auth tokens.
        -   `config.link.tokenRefresh.enable`  When true then enable link. (optional, default `true`)
        -   `config.link.tokenRefresh.onUpdateTokenFail`  Callback executed on token update fail.
        -   `config.link.tokenRefresh.onUpdateTokenSuccess`  Callback executed on token update successfully completes.
        -   `config.link.tokenRefresh.onIdTokenExpired`  Callback executed on expired id token.
    -   `config.link.fileUpload`  Options to configure upload link which loads files on amazon s3.
        -   `config.link.fileUpload.enable`  When true then enable link. (optional, default `true`)
    -   `config.link.auth`  Options to configure auth link which add the headers to the request.
        -   `config.link.auth.enable`  When true then enable link. (optional, default `true`)
    -   `config.link.error`  Options to configure error link which pass errors by the callbacks.
        -   `config.link.error.enable`  When true then enable link. (optional, default `true`)
        -   `config.link.error.onGraphQLErrors`  Callback executed on request fail with graphql error.
        -   `config.link.error.onNetworkError`  Callback executed on request fail with network error.
    -   `config.link.batchHttp`  Options to configure [batch http link.](https://github.com/apollographql/apollo-link/tree/master/packages/apollo-link-batch-http)
        -   `config.link.batchHttp.enable`  When true then enable link. (optional, default `true`)


const getAuthState = () => ({
  email: 'user-name@gmail.com',
  accountId: 'account-id-bcxcvboiet',
  organizationId: 'organization-id-142',
  refreshToken: 'refresh-token-asdasdafaqwebfdhgh,dlphgkmw092y09qkefskbnq0921r',
  idToken: 'id-token-glhjkoerjhyldkmn;vjioghlblafeorhn',

const links = createApolloLinks({
  uri: 'https://prestaging-api.8basedev.com',
  links: {},

const getApolloClient = createApolloClient({ links });

cons apolloClient = getApolloClient();