
A Vue.js component that displays a reactive credit card preview for payment forms.

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A Vue.js component that displays a reactive credit card preview for payment forms.
!versionversion-badgepackage !downloadsdownloads-badgenpmtrends !sizesize-badgepackage !total downloadstotal-downloads-badgepackage !lgtmlgtm-badgelgtm !MIT Licenselicense-badgelicense All Contributors !PRs Welcomeprs-badgeprs

What is this?

This is a Vue.js component that renders a beautiful virtual credit card which is reactive to user input. The purpose is to enhance user experience in a online purchase situation.
Here is a example of vue-ccard in action:
Working Example

Table of contents

- 🐛 Bugs - 💡 Feature Requests


This module is distributed via npmnpm which is bundled with nodenode and should be installed as one of your project's dependencies:
npm install --save vue-ccard


Here is a basic example on how to implement this component:
  <div id="app">
    <label for="number">Number</label>
    <input type="text" v-model="cc.number" id="number">

    <label for="holder">Holder</label>
    <input type="text" v-model="cc.holder" id="holder">

    <label for="exp">Expiration Date</label>
    <input type="text" v-model="cc.exp" id="exp">

    <label for="cvc">CVC</label>
    <input type="text" v-model="cc.cvc"
      @focus="isTypingCvc = true"
      @blur="isTypingCvc = false" id="cvc">

import VueCCard from 'vue-ccard';

export default {
  name: 'app',
  components: {
  data() {
    return {
      isTypingCvc: false,
      cc: {
        number: '',
        holder: '',
        exp: '',
        cvc: '',

Other solutions

I'm not aware of any, if you are please make a pull requestprs and add it here!


Looking to contribute? Look for the Good First Issuegood-first-issue label.

🐛 Bugs

Please file an issue for bugs, missing documentation, or unexpected behavior.
See Bugs

💡 Feature requests

Please file an issue to suggest new features. Vote on feature requests by adding a 👍. This helps maintainers prioritize what to work on.
See Feature Requestsrequests

Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these people (emoji keyemojis):
<td align="center">
  <a href="" target="_blank">
    <img src="" width="100px;" alt="Hildor Júnior">
      <b>Hildor Júnior</b>
  <a href="" title="Commits">📖</a>

This project follows the all-contributorsall-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!