
A react image component which zoom the image in the viewport of the website.

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Getting Started


npm install reactjs-image-zoom
``` ```sh
yarn add reactjs-image-zoom

Simple Example

```tsx ``` This will include default properties of the Component and renders.


```jsx // import "./App.css"; import Zoom from "reactjs-image-zoom"; import Image from "./assets/imgs/nws.png"; function App() {
return (
width={150} // width in percent default is 100%
height={500} // height of the box
maxwidth={500} // width of the box
repeat="repeat" // default is no-repeat
position="center" // cover
imagesrc={Image} // Image component | URL
size={200} // it is in percent
bgsize="cover" // background-size
cursor="zoom-in" // pointer
borderpixel={2} // size of border
bordercolor="red" // color of border
style={{ margin: "20px" }} // add custom style
className="img-box" // classname for box
color="red" // color when image not loaded
} ```

If you know about default values 👍

| key | Value | Guide / What they does | | ----------- | ----------- | --------------------------- | | imgsrc | default url | source of Image | | height | 400 | height 400px | | width | 100 | width 100% | | maxwidth | 400 | Width of container | | repeat | no-repeat | css bg-repeat property | | position | center | css position property | | bgsize | cover | css bg property | | size | 100 | How zoomed image should be? | | cursor | zoom-in | css cursor property | | borderpixel | 1 | border width | | color | #8f8f8f | Color of container | | bordercolor | #ddd | Color of border |


We've developed this component for easy implementation of multiple component images in react application as you have seen in different ecommerse website that they are using for viewing this product. To know more about the architecture or if you want to contribute with this component: Contributing Documentation.


MIT License @ neeswebservices