
The best event emitter base class and event center.

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The best event emitter and center, native compatible IE6
Chinese README


Unit tests guarantee support for the following environments:
  • Node 0.12+
  • Safari 6+ (Mac)
  • iOS 5+ Safari
  • Chrome 23+ (Windows, Mac, Android, iOS, Linux, Chrome OS)
  • Firefox 4+ (Windows, Mac, Android, Linux)
  • Internet Explorer 6+ (Windows, Windows Phone)
  • Opera 10+ (Windows, linux, Android)

Content Overview

├── demo - How to Use Demo
├── dist - Compiling Output Code
├── doc - Documents
├── src - Source Code Directory
├── test - Unit Tests
├── CHANGELOG.md - Update Log
└── TODO.md - Future Plans

How to Use

Using npm, download and install the code.
$ npm install --save @jsmini/event

If you are in a node enviroment:
var EventEmitter = require('@jsmini/event').EventEmitter;

var ec = new EventEmitter();

If you are in a webpack or similar environment:
import { EventEmitter } from '@jsmini/event';

var ec = new EventEmitter();

If you are in a requirejs environment:
  function (jsmini_event) {
    var EventEmitter = jsmini_event.EventEmitter;

    var ec = new EventEmitter();

If you are in a browser environment:
<script src="node_modules/@jsmini/event/dist/index.aio.js"></script>

  var EventEmitter = jsmini_event.EventEmitter;

  var ec = new EventEmitter();


Contribution Guide

For first time contributors, you need to install the dependencies first.
$ npm install

To build the project:
$ npm run build

To run unit tests:
$ npm test

  • Note: The browser environment needs to be tested manually under test/browser

Modify the version number in package.json, modify the version number in README.md, modify the CHANGELOG.md, and then release the new version.
$ npm run release

Publish the new version to NPM
$ npm publish --access=public

You may need to modify the following files in your project:
  • The messages in README.md
  • The messages in package.json
  • The messages in config/rollup.js
  • The repository name in test/browser/index.html

Update Log


Future Plans


Current Users